Generative AI Brings Big Bucks, Assessing Ukraine War Damage, Candidates Target Voters, Translating 1,000 Languages
Nov 02, 2022

Generative AI Brings Big Bucks, Assessing Ukraine War Damage, Candidates Target Voters, Translating 1,000 Languages

The Batch - AI News & Insights. A new report from UN Climate Change says that the world might be on track for 2.5 °C of warming by the end of the century, a potentially catastrophic level of warming that’s far above the 1.5 °C target of the 2015 Paris Agreement.
Illustration of a hand coming out of a box to take a candy from a Trick or Treat paper bag
Oct 26, 2022

The Batch: Happy Halloween! Neural Nets Awaken, Foundation Models Go Rogue, Bots Take Over the Office, GPUs Dry Up

The Batch - AI News & Insights. Each year, AI brings wondrous advances. But, as Halloween approaches and the veil lifts between the material and ghostly realms, we see that spirits take advantage of these developments at least as much as humans do.
Illustration of Andrew Ng on a computer searching for "Panda bear" and getting a Paddington instead
Oct 19, 2022

The Batch: U.S. Blocks AI Chip Sales to China, Joe Rogan Meets Steve Jobs (Virtually), Massively Multilingual Translation, Smart Farms

The Batch - AI News & Insights. Is prompt engineering — the art of writing text prompts to get an AI system to generate the output you want — going to be a dominant user interface for AI?
Scanner over a collage of images
Oct 12, 2022

The Batch: Text-to-Video Explodes, Faster Fast Food, Regulating Medical AI, Coordinating Hurricane Relief

The Batch - AI News & Insights. For the past decade, the rise of AI has been powered by the increasing speed and decreasing cost of GPUs and other accelerator chips. How long will this continue? The past month saw several events that might affect how GPU prices evolve.
Iteration process chart
Oct 05, 2022

The Batch: DALL·E for Video, AI Startup Funding Falls, What the Dark Side of the Moon Looks Like, Modeling Spoken Conversation

The Batch - AI News & Insights. When I wrote recently about how to build a career in AI, several readers wrote to ask specifically about AI product management: the art and science of designing compelling AI products. I’ll share lessons I’ve learned about this here and in future letters.
Andrew Ng with a welcome message displayed on a laptop
Sep 28, 2022

The Batch: Robot Assistants Take a Step Forward, Nvidia Boosts AI as a Service, AI Enters Prisons, How to Train Vision Transformers

The Batch - AI News & Insights. In this letter, I’d like to address the serious matter of newcomers to AI sometimes experiencing imposter syndrome, where someone — regardless of their success in the field — wonders if they’re a fraud and really belong in the AI community.
Illustration of a brain over a muscular arm
Sep 21, 2022

The Batch: Data Scientists Analyze Data Science, AI Regulation Uses Undefined Terms, Robots LOL, AI Mattes Images

The Batch - AI News & Insights. Activities such as writing code and solving math problems are often perceived as purely intellectual pursuits. But this ignores the fact that they involve the mental equivalent of muscle memory.
Left: Panda drawn by Andrew Ng in 10 minutes | Right: Panda generated by Stable Diffusion in seconds
Sep 14, 2022

The Batch: Prompting DALL·E for Fun and Profit, Teaching Language Models New Info, Court Rules Against AI Proctoring, Predicting Breakdowns Keeps Factories Humming

The Batch - AI News & Insights. Stable Diffusion, an image generation model that takes a text prompt and produces an image, was released a few weeks ago in a landmark event for AI.
A stack of academic research papers are locked up with chains
Sep 07, 2022

The Batch: GPU Geopolitics, Spotting Tax Cheats, Luring Subscribers, Accelerating Transformers

The Batch - AI News & Insights. Paywalled journals that block free access to scientific research are the bane of the academic community.
Illustration of an AI job seeker entering the workforce.
Aug 31, 2022

The Batch: Misinformation Recognition, China's AI ROI, Neural Nets Catch Fresher Fish, Object Detection Transformers Simplified

I’ve devoted several recent letters to building a career in AI. In this one, I’d like to discuss some fine points of finding a job.The typical job search follows a fairly predictable path.
Job search pillar and two guys talking and drinking coffee
Aug 24, 2022

The Batch: AI Regulations Proceed Locally, Taming Spurious Correlations, One Cool Robot, What a Molecule’s Structure Reveals

Last week, I wrote about switching roles, industries, or both as a framework for considering a job search. If you’re preparing to switch roles (say, taking a job as a machine learning engineer for the first time) or industries...
An illustration shows how career changes can be a role switch, an industry switch, or both
Aug 17, 2022

The Batch: Science Plagued by Machine Learning Mistakes, Deepfakes Censor Profanity, Wearable AI Helps Impaired Walking, Ensemble Models Simplified

The Batch - AI News & Insights: Science Plagued by Machine Learning Mistakes, Deepfakes Censor Profanity, Wearable AI Helps Impaired Walking, Ensemble Models Simplified
A statue of Lady Justice holds a set of scales in each hand, signifying inconsistent decision making.
Aug 10, 2022

The Batch: AI Jobs Grow in Pharma, Self-Driving Safety Check, Holocaust Victims Identified, Protein Families Deciphered

The Batch - AI News & Insights: AI Jobs Grow in Pharma, Self-Driving Safety Check, Holocaust Victims Identified, Protein Families Deciphered
Driverless car
Aug 03, 2022

The Batch: UK's Drone Superhighway, Largest Open Source Language Model, AI Protects Bees, Countering Biased Labels

While working on Course 3 of the Machine Learning Specialization, which covers reinforcement learning, I was reflecting on how reinforcement learning algorithms are still quite finicky.
Data scrapping tweak
Jul 27, 2022

The Batch: Military AI Spending Grows, Automated Talent Scout, Drive-Thru Car Inspection, Humanized Training for Robots

In this issue of The Batch: AI War Chest Grows | Drive-Thru Car Inspection Uses Computer Vision | AI computer vision grading soccer players...

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