The Batch Newsletter

274 Posts

OpenAI Shrinks GPT-4o, Meta Withholds Models From Europe, Investors Hoard GPUs, Synthetic Talking Heads Get Expressive
The Batch Newsletter

OpenAI Shrinks GPT-4o, Meta Withholds Models From Europe, Investors Hoard GPUs, Synthetic Talking Heads Get Expressive

The Batch AI News and Insights: AI’s usefulness in a wide variety of applications creates many opportunities for entrepreneurship.
Hallucination Detector, Battle of the Image Generators, How Open Are Open Models?, Copyright Claim Fails Against GitHub
The Batch Newsletter

Hallucination Detector, Battle of the Image Generators, How Open Are Open Models?, Copyright Claim Fails Against GitHub

The Batch AI News and Insights: “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others,” said Winston Churchill.
AI's Cloudy Path to Zero Emissions, Amazon's Agent Builders, Claude's UI Advance, Training On Consumer GPUs
The Batch Newsletter

AI's Cloudy Path to Zero Emissions, Amazon's Agent Builders, Claude's UI Advance, Training On Consumer GPUs

The Batch AI News and Insights: I continue to be alarmed at the progress of proposed California regulation SB 1047 and the attack it represents on open source and more broadly on AI innovation.
OpenAI Blocks China, Tests for Human-Level Models, Music Industry Sues AI Startups, Model Merging Evolves
The Batch Newsletter

OpenAI Blocks China, Tests for Human-Level Models, Music Industry Sues AI Startups, Model Merging Evolves

The Batch AI News and Insights: As we reach the milestone of the 256th issue of The Batch, I’m reflecting on how AI has changed over the years and how society continues to change with it.
AI Monopolies, Ancestor Avatars, Benchmarks for Agentic Behavior, Chatbot for Minority Languages
The Batch Newsletter

AI Monopolies, Ancestor Avatars, Benchmarks for Agentic Behavior, Chatbot for Minority Languages

The Batch AI News and Insights: On Monday, a number of large music labels sued AI music makers Suno and Udio for copyright infringement.
Open Model Bonanza, Private Benchmarks for Fairer Tests, More Interactive Music Generation, Diffusion + GAN
The Batch Newsletter

Open Model Bonanza, Private Benchmarks for Fairer Tests, More Interactive Music Generation, Diffusion + GAN

The Batch AI News and Insights: On Father’s Day last weekend, I sat with my daughter to help her practice solving arithmetic problems.
Apple’s Gen AI Strategy, Stability's Copyright-Clear Audio Generator, International Safety Agreements, LLMs Play Doctor
The Batch Newsletter

Apple’s Gen AI Strategy, Stability's Copyright-Clear Audio Generator, International Safety Agreements, LLMs Play Doctor

The Batch AI News and Insights: One reason for machine learning’s success is that our field welcomes a wide range of work.
The AI PC Arrives, OpenAI Used For Disinformation, U.S. and China Seek AI Agreement, Training Models to Reason
The Batch Newsletter

The AI PC Arrives, OpenAI Used For Disinformation, U.S. and China Seek AI Agreement, Training Models to Reason

The Batch AI News and Insights: The effort to protect innovation and open source continues. I believe we’re all better off if anyone can carry out basic AI research and share their innovations.
Heart-Risk Model Saves Lives, Self-Driving on Unruly Roads, Knowledge Workers Embrace AI, Richer Context for RAG
The Batch Newsletter

Heart-Risk Model Saves Lives, Self-Driving on Unruly Roads, Knowledge Workers Embrace AI, Richer Context for RAG

The Batch AI News and Insights: A barrier to faster progress in generative AI is evaluations (evals), particularly of custom AI applications that generate free-form text.
Music Industry Titan Targets AI, End-to-End Multimodality, Millions of Tokens of Context, More Responsive Text-to-Image
The Batch Newsletter

Music Industry Titan Targets AI, End-to-End Multimodality, Millions of Tokens of Context, More Responsive Text-to-Image

The Batch AI News and Insights: A good way to get started in AI is to start with coursework, which gives a systematic way to gain knowledge, and then to work on projects.
OpenAI’s Rules for Model Behavior, Better Brain-Controlled Robots, AlphaFold 3 Covers All Biochemistry, AI Oasis in the Desert
The Batch Newsletter

OpenAI’s Rules for Model Behavior, Better Brain-Controlled Robots, AlphaFold 3 Covers All Biochemistry, AI Oasis in the Desert

The Batch AI News and Insights: In the last couple of days, Google announced a doubling of Gemini Pro 1.5's input context window from 1 million to 2 million tokens, and OpenAI released GPT-4o...
OpenAI Licenses News Archives, Generative Coding From Plan to Pull Request, Recognizing Landmines, Streamlined Inference
The Batch Newsletter

OpenAI Licenses News Archives, Generative Coding From Plan to Pull Request, Recognizing Landmines, Streamlined Inference

The Batch AI News and Insights: Last week, I spoke about AI and regulation at the U.S. Capitol at an event that was attended by legislative and business leaders. I’m encouraged by the progress the open source community has made fending off regulations that would have stifled innovation.
Apple’s Tiny LLMs, Amazon Rethinks Cashier-Free Stores, Predicting Scientific Discoveries
The Batch Newsletter

Apple’s Tiny LLMs, Amazon Rethinks Cashier-Free Stores, Predicting Scientific Discoveries

The Batch AI News and Insights: Inexpensive token generation and agentic workflows for large language models (LLMs) open up intriguing new possibilities for training LLMs on synthetic data. Pretraining...
GPT-3 and GPT-4 API inference costs per 1,000 tokens
The Batch Newsletter

Pop Song Generators, 3D Mesh Generators, Real-World Benchmarks, AI for Manufacturing

The Batch AI News and Insights: Much has been said about many companies’ desire for more compute (as well as data) to train larger foundation models.
Proposed ChatDev architecture, illustrated.
The Batch Newsletter

AI Agents With Low/No Code, Hallucinations Create Security Holes, Tuning for RAG Performance, GPT Store’s Lax Moderation

The Batch AI News and Insights: Multi-agent collaboration is the last of the four key AI agentic design patterns that I’ve described in recent letters. Given a complex task like writing software, a multi-agent approach would break...
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