Oct 02, 2019

8 Posts

Map of the area analyzed in Cascadia and sketch of the subduction zone
Oct 02, 2019

Prelude to a Quake?

Geologists call them slow slips: deep, low-frequency earthquakes that can last a month but have little effect on the surface. A model trained to predict such events could help with forecasting potentially catastrophic quakes.
 A quantum processor and one qubit’s energy-relaxation time “T1” plotted as a function of it’s operating frequency and time
Oct 02, 2019

Quantum Leap

A leaked paper from Google’s quantum computing lab claims “supremacy” over conventional computers. The U.S. space agency NASA, whose scientists are collaborating with Google on a quantum computer, accidentally published a paper describing the breakthrough.
Anonymous Faces
Oct 02, 2019

Anonymous Faces

A number of countries restrict commercial use of personal data without consent unless they’re fully anonymized. A new paper proposes a way to anonymize images of faces, purportedly without degrading their usefulness in applications that rely on face recognition.
Animation showing how players on the opposing team likely would move in response to human-drafted plays
Oct 02, 2019

Nothing but (Neural) Net

Basketball coaches sketch plays on a whiteboard to help players get the ball through the net. A new AI model predicts how opponents would respond to these tactics. A team of researchers in Taiwan trained a conditional generative adversarial network on data from National Basketball Association games.
Amazon Rekognition screen capture
Oct 02, 2019

Amazon Prepares for a Crackdown

Amazon is writing what it hopes will become U.S. law governing use of face recognition technology. At a press event, Jeff Bezos told that his company’s lawyers are drafting a statutory framework to guide what he views as an inevitable federal crackdown on face recognition.
GPT-2 text generator
Oct 02, 2019

Putting Text Generators on a Leash

Despite dramatic recent progress, natural language generation remains an iffy proposition. Even users of the muscular GPT-2 text generator have to press the button a number of times to get sensible output. But researchers are figuring out how to exert greater control over generated text.
"No silver bullet" book cover
Oct 02, 2019

The Batch: Google Achieves Quantum Supremacy, Amazon Aims To Sway Lawmakers, AI Predicts Basketball Plays, Face Detector

Thinking about the future of machine learning programming frameworks, I recently reread computer scientist Fred Brooks’ classic essay, “No Silver Bullet: Essence and Accidents of Software Engineering.” Three decades after...
"No silver bullet" book cover
Oct 02, 2019

Reducing Essential Complexity

Thinking about the future of machine learning programming frameworks, I recently reread computer scientist Fred Brooks’ classic essay, “No Silver Bullet: Essence and Accidents of Software Engineering.” Three decades after its initial...

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