
17 Posts

Detained migrants wait and talk behind a chain link fence.

Machine Translation at the Border: Faulty translations jeopardize asylum applications.

For some asylum seekers, machine translation errors may make the difference between protection and deportation.
African startup Lelapa logo

Repatriating Talent: Lelapa brings AI talent back to Africa.

A South African startup aims to lure talented engineers who left the continent to work abroad. Johannesburg research lab bills itself as a haven for African AI engineers who want to work on challenges that aren’t on Silicon Valley’s agenda.
Illustration of a person shoveling snow with the help of a flamethrower

Language Models, Extended: Large language models grew more reliable and less biased in 2022.

Researchers pushed the boundaries of language models to address persistent problems of trustworthiness, bias, and updatability.
Image of body parts in Hokkien, map showing Hokkien speaking regions across the world and Model architecture of S2ST

Translating a Mostly Oral Language: How Meta Trained an NLP Model to Translate Hokkein

Most speech-to-speech translation systems use text as an intermediate mode. So how do you build an automated translator for a language that has no standard written form? A new approach trained neural networks to translate a primarily oral language.
Plot demonstrating the relative sizes of parallel and monolingual examples

Massively Multilingual Translation: Machine Learning Model Trained to Translate 1,000 Languages

Recent work showed that models for multilingual machine translation can increase the number of languages they translate by scraping the web for pairs of equivalent sentences in different languages. A new study radically expanded the language repertoire through training on untranslated web text.
Clip from the movie Fall showing one of the protagonists falling from a radio antenna.

Deepfakes Against Profanity: Film Makers of Fall Used AI to Remove F-Words

The filmmakers used technology from Flawless AI to clean up the language, enabling the film to earn a rating that welcomes younger viewers.
parsing network diagram

Speaking Your Language: Startup Papercup Offers AI-Powered Voice Translation

A startup that automatically translates video voice overs into different languages is ready for its big break. London-based Papercup offers a voice translation service that combines algorithmic translation and voice synthesis with human-in-the-loop quality control.
Information related to OpenAI's model GPT-3

Generation Text: How beta testers reacted to GPT-3

People granted early access to OpenAI’s latest language model are raving about its way with words — and more. Beta testers of GPT-3 are showing off the model’s ability to write business memos, craft blogs, pen tweets, and even generate computer code.
Illustration of two people talking with a typo

Found in Translation: Apple's method to identify a language from a few words

Language models can’t correct your misspellings or suggest the next word in a text without knowing what language you’re using. For instance, if you type “tac-,” are you aiming for “taco,” a hand-held meal in Spanish, or “taca,” a crown in Turkish?
Illustration of two translators on a scale

Choosing Words Carefully: BLUERT trains language models to be better translators.

The words “big” and “large” have similar meanings, but they aren’t always interchangeable: You wouldn’t refer to an older, male sibling as your “large brother” (unless you meant to be cheeky). Choosing among words with similar meanings is critical in language tasks like translation.
Information and examples of CheXbert, a network that labels chest X-rays

Human-Level X-Ray Diagnosis: A research summary of CheXbert for labeling chest x-rays

Like nurses who can’t decipher a doctor’s handwriting, machine learning models can’t decipher medical scans — without labels. Conveniently, natural language models can read medical records to extract labels for X-ray images.
Brains and neural signals reading

Listening to the Brain: NLP researchers used RNNs to translate brain waves into text.

AI has added an unlikely language to its catalog of translation capabilities: brain waves. Joseph Makin led a group from the University of California San Francisco to render a person’s neural signals as English text while the person while the person read a sentence aloud.
Clay tablet

The King’s Moleskine: AI tool helps archaeologists translate clay tablets.

Machine learning promises to streamline handling of tomorrow’s bureaucratic drudgery — and, it turns out, that of 2,500 years ago. Computer vision is helping researchers at the University of Chicago translate a massive collection of ancient records inscribed on clay tablets.
Graph related to Mixture of Softmaxes (MoS)

Upgrading Softmax: Mixtape is a faster way to avoid the softmax bottleneck.

Softmax commonly computes probabilities in a classifier’s output layer. But softmax isn’t always accurate in complex tasks — say, in a natural-language task, when the length of word vectors is much smaller than the number of words in the vocabulary.
Math equations represented as trees

Neural Networks Study Math: A sequence to sequence model for solving math problems.

In tasks that involve generating natural language, neural networks often map an input sequence of words to an output sequence of words. Facebook researchers used a similar technique on sequences of mathematical symbols, training a model to map math problems to math solutions.
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