Sep 30, 2020

8 Posts

Online panel discussion on “GANs for Good” with Andrew Ng, Anima Anandkumar, Alexei Efros, Ian Goodfellow, and Sharon Zhou
Sep 30, 2020

The Batch: GAN Special Issue! Ian Goodfellow For Real, Detecting Fakes, Including Minorities, Synthesizing Training Data

This special issue of The Batch celebrates the launch of our new Generative Adversarial Networks Specialization! GANs are among the most exciting technologies to emerge from deep learning. These networks learn in a very different way than typical supervised methods...
Makeup applied on female faces with the help of augmented reality
Sep 30, 2020

A Good Look for AI: How L’Oreal uses AI to power its virtual makeup try-on

Trying on new makeup is a hassle — apply, inspect, wash off, repeat. Not to mention the tribulation of visiting brick-and-mortar stores during the pandemic. Augmented reality is helping people try on all the makeup they want without leaving home.
Data and examples related to IMLE-GAN
Sep 30, 2020

Making GANs More Inclusive: A technique to help GANs represent their datasets fairly

A typical GAN’s output doesn’t necessarily reflect the data distribution of its training set. Instead, GANs are prone to modeling the majority of the training distribution, sometimes ignoring rare attributes — say, faces that represent minority populations.
Examples of CT scans with different contrasts
Sep 30, 2020

More Data for Medical AI: AI recognizes medical scans without iodine dye.

Convolutional neural networks are good at recognizing disease symptoms in medical scans of patients who were injected with iodine-based dye, that makes their organs more visible. But some patients can’t take the dye. Now synthetic scans from a GAN are helping CNNs learn to analyze undyed images.
Data and examples related to a new technique to detect portions of an image
Sep 30, 2020

The Telltale Artifact: A technique for detecting GAN-generated deepfakes

Deepfakes have gone mainstream, allowing celebrities to star in commercials without setting foot in a film studio. A new method helps determine whether such endorsements — and other images produced by generative adversarial networks — are authentic.
Examples of Generative Adversarial Networks used for image to illustration translation
Sep 30, 2020

Style and Substance: An improved GAN technique for style transfer

GANs are adept at mapping the artistic style of one picture onto the subject of another, known as style transfer. However, applied to the fanciful illustrations in children’s books, some GANs prove better at preserving style, others better at preserving subject matter.
Online panel discussion on “GANs for Good” with Andrew Ng, Anima Anandkumar, Alexei Efros, Ian Goodfellow, and Sharon Zhou
Sep 30, 2020

Introducing the Generative Adversarial Networks Specialization

This special issue of The Batch celebrates the launch of our new Generative Adversarial Networks Specialization! GANs are among the most exciting technologies to emerge from deep learning.
Ian Goodfellow
Sep 30, 2020

Ian Goodfellow: A Man, A Plan, A GAN

Brilliant ideas strike at unlikely moments. Ian Goodfellow conceived generative adversarial networks while spitballing programming techniques with friends at a bar. Goodfellow, who views himself as “someone who works on the core technology, not the applications,”...

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