Real Estate

3 Posts

Charts showing home price changes year over year and in quarters
Real Estate

Does Price Optimization Hike Rents?: YieldStar AI Price Prediction May Inflate Rents

An algorithm that’s widely used to price property rentals may be helping to drive up rents in the United States. YieldStar, a price-prediction service offered by Texas-based analytics company RealPage, suggests rental rates that are often higher than the market average.
Different charts related to AI-assisted home purchases in the U.S.
Real Estate

Algorithm as Real Estate Agent: Algorithmic Buyers Purchased 1 percent of U.S. Homes in 2021

House sales priced by algorithms account for a small but growing portion of the real estate market. Companies that use algorithmic pricing models to buy and sell houses purchased roughly double the volume of transactions in two years. However, these deals may not benefit typical home buyers.
Animated image showing different Zillow listings
Real Estate

Price Prediction Turns Perilous: How Covid Broke Zillow's Pricing Algorithm

The real-estate website Zillow bought and sold homes based on prices estimated by an algorithm — until Covid-19 confounded the model’s predictive power. Zillow, whose core business is providing real-estate information for prospective buyers, shut down its house-flipping division after...

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