May 06, 2020

8 Posts

Series of images related to Jukebox, a deep learning system by OpenAI
May 06, 2020

Roll Over, Beyoncé: How OpenAI's Jukebox generates synthetic music

A new generative model croons like Elvis and raps like Eminem. It might even make you think you’re listening to a lost demo by the Beatles. OpenAI released Jukebox, a deep learning system that has generated thousands of songs in styles from country to metal and soul.
Examples of recognition of real and fake images
May 06, 2020

Fake Detector: Using a discriminator network to spot deepfakes

AI’s ability to produce synthetic pictures that fool humans into believing they’re real has spurred a race to build neural networks that can tell the difference. Recent research achieved encouraging results.
Animated pie chart
May 06, 2020

Triage for Pandemic Patients: Complications AlgoMarker measures a patient's Covid risk.

Israeli and American hospitals are using an algorithm to flag individuals at high risk for Covid-19 complications.
Beaches buried in plastic and garbage
May 06, 2020

Seeing Sea Plastic: Computer vision spots ocean trash from satellite imagery.

A machine learning model is scanning the oceans for the glint of garbage. Researchers from the UK’s Plymouth Marine Laboratory trained a model to identify ocean-borne refuse.
Data and information related to Contrastive Unsupervised Representations for Reinforcement Learning (CURL)
May 06, 2020

RL and Feature Extraction Combined: CURL combines reinforcement with contrastive learning.

Which comes first, training a reinforcement learning model or extracting high-quality features? New work avoids this chicken-or-egg dilemma by doing both simultaneously.
Map of Asia with AI letters inside a location icon
May 06, 2020

Asia’s AI Advantage: Asian companies show success in AI updake.

Asian companies lead the world in AI deployment, new research argues. Market research by MIT Technology Review Insights found that companies in the Asia-Pacific region are using machine learning faster and with better results than any other part of the world.
Two partial images of a retina
May 06, 2020

The Batch: Pandemic Triage, Asia's AI Advantage, Detecting Deepfakes, Cleaning Oceans, Music Industry in a Box

There has been a lot of excitement about the idea of using deep learning to diagnose diabetic retinopathy: That is by taking a photo of the retina and using AI to detect signs of disease.
Two partial images of a retina
May 06, 2020

From Proof of Concept to Production

There has been a lot of excitement about the idea of using deep learning to diagnose diabetic retinopathy: That is by taking a photo of the retina and using AI to detect signs of disease.

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