Excerpt from "The New Colossus" by Emma Lazarus, cast in a plaque

Welcoming Refugees

I’ve always thought that how you treat those who are powerless shows your true character. People rarely mistreat others who have power over them -- for example, their boss — because they might suffer adverse consequences.
Wooden ladder pointing to the sky with a hand on it

How AI Can Help Achieve Humanity's Grand Challenges

Last week, I wrote about the grand challenge of artificial general intelligence. Other scientific and engineering grand challenges inspire me as well. For example, fusion energy, extended lifespans, and space colonization have massive...
Artificial-general-intelligence meme

Artificial General Intelligence: Hope or Hype?

I’ve always thought that building artificial general intelligence — a system that can learn to perform any mental task that a typical human can — is one of the grandest challenges of our time. In fact, nearly 17 years ago, I co-organized a NeurIPS workshop on building human-level AI.
DeepLearning.AI group of learners with Andrew Ng

How to Advocate for AI in Your Organization

Last week, DeepLearning.AI invited a group of learners to our Palo Alto office’s courtyard. We had a good time chatting about paths into AI, career trajectories, applications people were working on, and challenges they were facing.
Doves flying over barbed wire

Does AI Have a Role in Warfare?

Russian troops have invaded Ukraine, and the terrifying prospect of a war in Europe weighs on my mind. My heart goes out to all the civilians affected, and I hope we won’t see the loss of life, liberty, or property that many...
Datacentric AI logo

New Data-Centric AI Resources!

We just launched a Data-Centric AI Resource Hub to help you improve the performance of AI systems by systematically engineering the underlying data. It offers new articles by Nvidia director of machine learning...
Andrew Ng speaking at the A3 Business Forum in Orlando, Florida

AI for Industrial Automation — and Beyond

I’m writing this in Orlando, Florida, where I just spoke at the A3 Business Forum, a group that works to advance industrial automation through AI, robotics, and other tools. This was my first large conference since the pandemic started...
Board game with books and neural networks over it

Deep Learners, We Salute You!

Every day, I’m inspired by the efforts of you who take our courses, gain technical skills, find jobs, or build things that I never would have imagined. To each one of you who is learning about and building AI, thank you.
Rocket taking off

8 Keys to Building a Career in AI

AI continues to create numerous exciting career opportunities, and I know that many of you aim to develop a career in the field. While taking online courses in technical topics is an important step, being an AI professional requires more than...
Sleigh made of gift boxes

The Spirit of Giving in AI and Beyond

As we approach the end of 2021, you may be winding down work and gearing up for the winter holiday. I’m looking forward to taking a break from work and hope you are too.
Screen capture from the Data-Centric AI Workshop

The NeurIPS Data-Centric AI Workshop Was Amazing!

We just wrapped up the Data-Centric AI Workshop at the NeurIPS 2021 conference. It was packed with information about how to engineer data for AI systems. I wish the whole DeepLearning.AI community could have been there!
Principles of data

Toward Systematic Data Engineering

I’ve seen many new technologies go through a predictable process on their journey from idea to large scale adoption. First, a handful of experts apply their ideas intuitively.
Project management cartoon

Solving AI Problems With Civility

I’m grateful to the AI community for the friendships it has brought me and the benefits it has brought to billions of people. But members of the AI community don’t always honor one another.
Different types of semaphores

Making Software For a Heterogeneous World

The physical world is full of unique details that differ from place to place, person to person, and item to item. In contrast, the world of software is built on abstractions that make for relatively uniform coding environments and user...
Andrew Ng during a conference

How To Unlock AI Value

On Monday, Landing AI (where I’m CEO) announced the close of a $57 million Series A funding round. The investment enables the company to continue building its data-centric MLOps platform for computer vision, with a focus on manufacturing visual inspection.

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