5 Posts

Godzilla with the Google logo and Kong with the Microsoft logo, fighting

Search War!: Google and Microsoft both announce AI-Powered search.

The long-dormant struggle to dominate the web-search business reignited in a display of AI-driven firepower — and hubris. Google and Microsoft announced competing upgrades powered by the latest generation of chatbots. Baidu, too, flexed its natural-language-processing muscles.
Graphs and data related to language models and image processing

Transforming Pixels: An image generation model using the GPT architecture

Language models like Bert, Ernie, and Elmo have achieved spectacular results based on clever pre-training approaches. New research applies some of those Sesame Street lessons into image processing.
Screen captures from videos generated by VidPress

Text to Video in Two Minutes: Baidu's VidPress generates video from text.

Will reading soon become obsolete? A new system converts text articles into videos. VidPress, a prototype project from Chinese tech giant Baidu, currently generates more than 1,000 narrated video summaries of news stories daily.
Single Headed Attention RNN (SHA-RNN)

Language Modeling on One GPU: Single-headed attention competes with transformers.

The latest large, pretrained language models rely on trendy layers based on transformer networks. New research shows that these newfangled layers may not be necessary.
Sesame Street characters together

Inside AI’s Muppet Empire: Why Are So Many NLP Models Named After Muppets?

As language models show increasing power, a parallel trend has received less notice: The vogue for naming models after characters in the children’s TV show Sesame Street.

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