Apr 17, 2024

7 Posts

Tuning LLMs for Better RAG: Meta's RA-DIT boosts language model output by optimizing content retrieval
Apr 17, 2024

Tuning LLMs for Better RAG: Meta's RA-DIT boosts language model output by optimizing content retrieval

Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) enables large language models to generate better output by retrieving documents that are relevant to a user’s prompt. Fine-tuning further improves RAG performance.
Screen recording of the GPT Store's homepage
Apr 17, 2024

GPT Store Shows Lax Moderation: A report exposes policy violations in OpenAI's GPT Store.

OpenAI has been moderating its GPT Store with a very light touch. In a survey of the GPT Store’s offerings, TechCrunch found numerous examples of custom ChatGPT instances that appear to violate the store’s own policies.
Hallucination Creates Security Holes: Researcher exposes risks in AI-generated code
Apr 17, 2024

Hallucination Creates Security Holes: Researcher exposes risks in AI-generated code

Language models can generate code that erroneously points to software packages, creating vulnerabilities that attackers can exploit.
Custom Agents, Little Coding: All about Google's Vertex AI Agent Builder
Apr 17, 2024

Custom Agents, Little Coding: All about Google's Vertex AI Agent Builder

Google is empowering developers to build autonomous agents using little or no custom code.
Proposed ChatDev architecture, illustrated.
Apr 17, 2024

Agentic Design Patterns Part 5, Multi-Agent Collaboration: Prompting an LLM to play different roles for different parts of a complex task summons a team of AI agents that can do the job more effectively.

Multi-agent collaboration is the last of the four key AI agentic design patterns that I’ve described in recent letters.
Proposed ChatDev architecture, illustrated.
Apr 17, 2024

AI Agents With Low/No Code, Hallucinations Create Security Holes, Tuning for RAG Performance, GPT Store's Lax Moderation

The Batch AI News and Insights: Multi-agent collaboration is the last of the four key AI agentic design patterns that I’ve described in recent letters. Given a complex task like writing software, a multi-agent approach would break...
Big Updates for GPT-4 Turbo, Gemini 1.5, Mixtral, and More: Plus, AI Helps Rebuild Lost Memories
Apr 17, 2024

Big Updates for GPT-4 Turbo, Gemini 1.5, Mixtral, and More: Plus, AI Helps Rebuild Lost Memories

This week's top AI news and research stories featured all about Google's Vertex AI Agent Builder, security holes in generated code, a series of policy violations in the GPT Store, and RA-DIT, a fine-tuning procedure that trains an LLM and retrieval model together to improve the...

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