Digital Doodles

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Samples of Sketches produced by humans and Sketchforme used in the AMT user study

Wish you could draw, but your elephants look like crocodiles? Sketchforme doesn’t have that problem. This AI agent roughs out simple scenes based on text descriptions.

What’s new: Sketchforme generates crude drawings from natural-language descriptions such as “an apple on a tree” or “a dog next to a house.” People who viewed its output thought a human made the drawing a third of the time, a new paper says.

How it works: Sketchforme relies on two neural networks:

  • The scene composer generates scene layouts. It was trained on the Visual Genome data set of photos annotated with captions, bounding boxes, and class information.
  • The object sketcher draws the objects according to their real-world scale. It was trained on the Quick, Draw! data set of 50 million labeled sketches of individual objects.

Behind the news: Building a sketch generator was a thorny problem until the advent of neural networks. Sketch-RNN, an early sketcher based on neural nets in 2017, was trained on crowd-sourced drawings and draws requested objects using an initial stroke as a prompt. Sketchforme builds on that work.

Bottom line: Sketchforme’s output is remarkably true to human notions of what objects look like in the abstract. UC Berkeley researchers Forrest Huang and John F. Canny point out that sketching is a natural way to convey ideas quickly and a useful thinking tool in applications like learning languages. But the fact is, Sketchforme is just plain fun — and no slouch at drawing, too.


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