Short Course

Building Your Own Database Agent

In Collaboration With




1 Hour


Adrian Gonzalez Sanchez

  • Interact with tabular data and SQL databases using natural language, enabling more efficient and accessible data analysis.

  • Gain hands-on experience with the Azure OpenAI Service, implementing techniques like Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and function calling.

  • Use Azure OpenAI Service’s Assistants API, and test it with function calling and code interpreter features.

What you’ll learn in this course

function add(a, b) {
return a + b;
add(2, 3);


In Building Your Own Database Agent you will develop an AI agent that interacts with databases using natural language, simplifying the process for querying and extracting insights. Created in partnership with Microsoft and taught by Adrian Gonzalez Sanchez, Data and AI Specialist at Microsoft, this course is designed for developers, data professionals, as well as business analysts and professionals who want more sophisticated interaction with their databases through natural language instead of advanced SQL queries.

What you’ll do in this course:

  • Learn about the levels of knowledge customization with Azure OpenAI Service, focusing on RAG to build your first AI agent, deploy your Azure OpenAI Service instance, test the API, and set up an orchestration engine like LangChain to enable these scenarios.
  • Load tabular data from a CSV file and perform natural language queries using the Azure OpenAI service to extract information quickly. Learn to reapply the agent to analyze your own CSV files.
  • Implement LangChain agents to connect to a provided SQL database, and how to build a DB agent that translates natural language to SQL code.
  • Use Azure OpenAI Service’s function calling feature to use pre-built functions for sending queries to databases, improving the efficiency and security of your SQL agent.
  • Work with the Assistants API and test it with the function calling and code interpreter features, which will enable you to connect to SQL databases and create your own DB agents more efficiently.

By the end of the course, you’ll be equipped with the technical knowledge and practical experience to implement similar systems in your own projects or organizations, enabling more efficient and accessible data interaction and analysis. 

Who should join?

If you want to learn how to interact with databases through natural language, this beginner-friendly course is for you. Familiarity with Python programming and databases (CSV files and SQL) is recommended, but not required.

Concepts you will learn

  • Advanced Software Development Techniques
  • Unsupervised Learning
  • Logistic Regression for Classification
  • Recommender Systems
  • Tensorflow
  • Anomaly Detection
  • Collaborative Filtering
  • Reinforcement Learning


Course Slides

You can download the annotated version of the course slides below.

*Note: The slides might not reflect the latest course video slides. Please refer to the lecture videos for the most up-to-date information. We encourage you to make your own notes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Learners From Previous Courses Say About DeepLearning.AI

Nicholas Muchinguri

“The Machine Learning course helped develop my problem-solving skills, inspired an attitude of experimentation, and shaped a passion for machine learning. Since then, I have automated several investment processes and experimented with investment data.”

Nicholas Muchinguri
Senior Trader, Vanguard Australia
Luo Yuzheng

“As a Behavioral Scientist, I was able to adopt methods to understand my customers better, overcome the traditional ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach, and design interventions which account for personality and individual differences.”

Luo Yuzheng
Assistant Director, Monetary Authority of Singapore
Chirag Godawat

“I gained confidence in my knowledge of machine learning. Since then, I’ve become a machine learning mentor, got a research paper published in IEEE, decided to pursue my Masters in Machine Learning, and was able to land a job at JP Morgan Chase.”

Chirag Godawat
Data Engineer, Vista
Hsin-Wen Chang

“The Machine Learning course became a guiding light. Andrew Ng explains concepts with simple visualizations and plots. I learned how to evaluate my training results and explain the outcomes to my colleagues, boss, and even the vice president of our company.”

Hsin-Wen Chang
Sr. C++ Developer, Zealogics
Aakash Saroop

“The Machine Learning course by Andrew Ng expanded my knowledge, so I could write a research paper on Facial Emotion Recognition and land an internship at Morgan Stanley.”

Aakash Saroop
Student, K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering


Adrian Gonzalez Sanchez

Adrian Gonzalez Sanchez


Data & AI Specialist at Microsoft

Course access is free for a limited time during the DeepLearning.AI learning platform beta!

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