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Pie & AI: Tokyo - Short Course Study Group

Pretraining LLMs with Upstage Short Course Study Group

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Pie & AI: Bangalore - LLM Observability and Evaluation using Phoenix

Explore how Phoenix optimizes LLM observability and evaluation, making your models more efficient, accurate, and reliable.

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Pie & AI: Kochi - Exploring Graph Neural Networks

To educate and engage our community on the significance and applications of GNNs.

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Pie & AI: Seoul - Short Course Study Group

Prompt Engineering for Vision Models Study Group

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Pie & AI: Sydney - AI Ethics & Regulations

Understand current ethical issues working with AI as well as regulations in Australia and rest of the world.

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Pie & AI: Menlo Park - The AI & AR Revolution in Home Remodeling

From Vision to Reality: How AI and Mixed Reality will transform the way we shop and remodel our homes

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Past Events

Pie & AI: Kano

Pie & AI: Kano

March 8, 2020

Pie & AI: Paris

Pie & AI: Paris

March 3, 2020

Pie & AI: Caesarea

Pie & AI: Caesarea

March 3, 2020

Pie & AI: Bengaluru

Pie & AI: Bengaluru

March 1, 2020