Looking to grow your skills and build a career in AI?

Join 1 million+ learners and #BeADeepLearner with the Deep Learning Specialization, a foundational online program by machine learning pioneer Andrew Ng.

You might be wondering if this is the right program for you, worried that you don’t have the time, or afraid that you won’t be able to keep up?

We understand that it can be daunting to start something new.

The Deep Learning Specialization

  • Has clear, concise modules that allow for self-paced learning.
  • Introduces practical techniques to help you get started on your AI projects and develop an industry portfolio.
  • Has a 1 million-strong learner community that will support and guide you.
  • Breaks down foundational concepts into easy-to-understand lectures and engaging assignments.
  • Is up-to-date with the leading-edge in machine learning.
  • Is rated 4.9 out of 5 by 120K+ learners and is among the most popular data science programs on Coursera

What Learners Are Saying

Sharob Sinha

“After completing the Deep Learning Specialization, I got two promotions and an award and was able to work with the R&D team at work. I also got the opportunity to teach undergrad engineering students. These experiences, starting with DLS, have molded my career.”

Sharob Sinha
Learning Technologist, DeepLearning.AI
Jose Ramirez

“I decided to try to understand this thing called AI that everyone was talking about and ended up doing the Deep Learning Specialization. I truly believe that this program should be given to senior students at universities as they’d get a valuable picture.”

Jose Ramirez
Assistant Professor, Yachay Tech
Wonjin Kim

“The Deep Learning Specialization helped me build the fundamental knowledge as well as practical applications of deep learning. I think the Deep Learning Specialization is a great starting point if someone wants to get into the field.”

Wonjin Kim
Ludovic Alarie-Vezina

“The introductions to Convolutional Neural Networks, Yolo, NLP, among others, really helped me hit the ground running when I got on the job market. As I developed more experience, I transitioned from being a multi-project consultant to being the lead scientist of a startup.”

Ludovic Alarie-Vezina
Lead Data Scientist, Charm.io
Sayak Pal

“When my role as a software engineer at a big company started feeling claustrophobic, I quit without having another job in hand and enrolled in the Deep Learning Specialization. This fueled my knowledge appetite, and today, I work as a Machine Learning Engineer at Carted.”

Sayak Pal
Machine Learning Engineer, Carted
Samuel Cahyawijaya

“After the Deep Learning Specialization, I realized that deep learning isn’t just for those with a math background and decided to become a machine learning engineer. The knowledge I’d gained helped me transition from analytics to an AI researcher role in an NLP research lab.”

Samuel Cahyawijaya
Ph.D. Student, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Krystof Chotas

“The skills I acquired after completing the Deep Learning Specialization helped me get a better job. The insights it provided into the subject matter enabled me to develop new and innovative solutions to problems at work.”

Krystof Chotas
Machine Learning Engineer, CVEDIA
Jora De Jong

“The Deep Learning Specialization allowed me to understand diverse approaches to solve problems and helped by providing deeper insight into the field. After completing the program, I understood foundational principles better and was able to feel much more in control.”

Jora De Jong
Jan Zawadzki

“Within a few minutes and a couple slides, I had the feeling that I could learn any concept. I felt like a superhero after this course. I didn’t know much about deep learning before, but I felt like I gained a strong foothold afterward.”

Jan Zawadzki
Data Scientist at Carmeq
Kritika Jalan

“The whole specialization was like a one-stop-shop for me to decode neural networks and understand the math and logic behind every variation of it. I can say neural networks are less of a black box for a lot of us after taking the course.”

Kritika Jalan
Data Scientist at Corecompete Pvt. Ltd.
Chris Morrow

“During my Amazon interview, I was able to describe, in detail, how a prediction model works, how to select the data, how to train the model, and the use cases in which this model could add value to the customer.”

Chris Morrow
Sr. Product Manager at Amazon

Don’t Let the Machine Learning Revolution Pass You By

#BeADeepLearner with the
Deep Learning Specialization.

Enroll Now


Andrew Ng

Andrew Ng

Founder, DeepLearning.AI; Co-founder, Coursera
Kian Katanforoosh

Kian Katanforoosh

Curriculum Developer
Founder, Workera
Younes Bensouda Mourri

Younes Bensouda Mourri

Instructor of AI, Stanford University
  • 5 Courses
  • >2-6 months
  • Intermediate

Skills you will gain

  • Tensorflow
  • Artificial Neural Networks
  • Convolutional Neural Networks
  • Recurrent Neural Networks
  • Transformers
  • Python Programming
  • Deep Learning
  • Backpropagation
  • Optimization
  • Hyperparameter Tuning
  • Machine Learning
  • Transfer Learning
  • Multi-Task Learning
  • Object Detection and Segmentation
  • Facial Recognition System
  • Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU)
  • Long Short Term Memory (LSTM)
  • Attention Models
  • Natural Language Processing


Course Slides

You can download the annotated version of the course slides below.

*Note: The slides might not reflect the latest course video slides. Please refer to the lecture videos for the most up-to-date information. We encourage you to make your own notes.

Frequently Asked Questions