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GPT-3 and GPT-4 API inference costs per 1,000 tokens
Apr 24, 2024

Pop Song Generators, 3D Mesh Generators, Real-World Benchmarks, AI for Manufacturing

The Batch AI News and Insights: Much has been said about many companies’ desire for more compute (as well as data) to train larger foundation models.
Proposed ChatDev architecture, illustrated.
Apr 17, 2024

AI Agents With Low/No Code, Hallucinations Create Security Holes, Tuning for RAG Performance, GPT Store's Lax Moderation

The Batch AI News and Insights: Multi-agent collaboration is the last of the four key AI agentic design patterns that I’ve described in recent letters. Given a complex task like writing software, a multi-agent approach would break...
Planning: Agentic AI design pattern illustrated by an example
Apr 10, 2024

Autonomous Coding Agents, Instability at Stability AI, Mamba Mania, What Users Do With GenAI

The Batch AI News and Insights: Planning is a key agentic AI design pattern in which we use a large language model (LLM) to autonomously decide on what sequence of steps to execute to accomplish a larger task.
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