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Planning: Agentic AI design pattern illustrated by an example
Apr 10, 2024

Autonomous Coding Agents, Instability at Stability AI, Mamba Mania, What Users Do With GenAI

The Batch AI News and Insights: Planning is a key agentic AI design pattern in which we use a large language model (LLM) to autonomously decide on what sequence of steps to execute to accomplish a larger task.
Microsoft Absorbs Inflection, Nvidia's New GPUs, Managing AI Bio Risk, More Factual LLMs
Apr 03, 2024

Microsoft Absorbs Inflection, Nvidia's New GPUs, Managing AI Bio Risk, More Factual LLMs

The Batch AI News and Insights: Tool use, in which an LLM is given functions it can request to call for gathering information, taking action, or manipulating data, is a key design pattern of AI agentic workflows.
One Agent For Many Worlds, Cross-Species Cell Embeddings, U.S. Deploys AI Targeting, Robo Football Gets Real
Mar 27, 2024

One Agent For Many Worlds, Cross-Species Cell Embeddings, U.S. Deploys AI Targeting, Robo Football Gets Real

The Batch AI News and Insights: Last week, I described four design patterns for AI agentic workflows that I believe will drive significant progress this year...
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