
135 Posts

Benchmarks that rank large language models’ performance of industry tasks

Benchmarks for Industry: Vals AI evaluates large language models on industry-specific tasks.

How well do large language models respond to professional-level queries in various industry domains? A new company aims to find out.
Udio and Suno web pages

Songs Made to Order: Text-to-music services evolve with Udio and Suno’s customized song creations.

A new breed of audio generator produces synthetic performances of songs in a variety of popular styles.
Custom Agents, Little Coding: All about Google’s Vertex AI Agent Builder

Custom Agents, Little Coding: All about Google’s Vertex AI Agent Builder

Google is empowering developers to build autonomous agents using little or no custom code.
Robo-Football From Simulation to Reality: Reinforcement learning powers humanoid robots to play football

Robo-Football From Simulation to Reality: Reinforcement learning powers humanoid robots to play football

Humanoid robots can play football (known as soccer in the United States) in the real world, thanks to reinforcement learning.
Scalable, Instructable, Multiworld Agent

One Agent, Many Environments: SIMA, a system that understands and plays diverse 3D video games

AI agents are typically designed to operate a particular software environment. Recent work enabled a single agent to take actions in a variety of three-dimensional virtual worlds.
Google Tests Generative News Tools: Google funds newsrooms to test AI-powered article generation tools.

Google Tests Generative News Tools: Google funds newsrooms to test AI-powered article generation tools.

Google is paying newsrooms to use a system that helps transform press releases into articles.
Google Releases Open Source LLMs: All we know about Google's Gemma-7B and Gemma-2B models

Google Releases Open Source LLMs: All we know about Google's Gemma-7B and Gemma-2B models

Google asserted its open source bona fides with new models. Google released weights for Gemma-7B, an 8.5 billion-parameter large language model intended to run GPUs, and Gemma-2B, a 2.5 billion-parameter version intended for deployment on CPUs and edge devices.
Context Is Everything: Gemini 1.5 Pro, a leap in multimodal AI amid controversy over v1.0

Context Is Everything: Gemini 1.5 Pro, a leap in multimodal AI amid controversy over v1.0

An update of Google’s flagship multimodal model keeps track of colossal inputs, while an earlier version generated some questionable outputs.
GPT-4 Biothreat Risk is Low: Study finds GPT-4 no more risky than online search in aiding bioweapon development.

GPT-4 Biothreat Risk is Low: Study finds GPT-4 no more risky than online search in aiding bioweapon development.

GPT-4 poses negligible additional risk that a malefactor could build a biological weapon, according to a new study. OpenAI compared the ability of GPT-4 and web search to contribute to the creation of a dangerous virus or bacterium. The large language model was barely more helpful than the web.
More Consistent Generated Videos: Lumiere, a system that achieves unprecedented motion realism in video

More Consistent Generated Videos: Lumiere, a system that achieves unprecedented motion realism in video

Text-to-video has struggled to produce consistent motions like walking and rotation. A new approach achieves more realistic motion.
Learning the Language of Geometry: AlphaGeometry, a system that nears expert proficiency in proving complex geometry theorems

Learning the Language of Geometry: AlphaGeometry, a system that nears expert proficiency in proving complex geometry theorems

Machine learning algorithms often struggle with geometry. A language model learned to prove relatively difficult theorems. 
SingSong's process for manufacturing instrumental music to accompany input vocals.

Sing a Tune, Generate an Accompaniment: SingSong, a tool that generates instrumental music for unaccompanied input vocals

A neural network makes music for unaccompanied vocal tracks. Chris Donahue, Antoine Caillon, Adam Roberts, and colleagues at Google proposed SingSong, a system that generates musical accompaniments for sung melodies. You can listen to its output here.
AGI Defined: Researchers propose a taxonomy for artificial general intelligence (AGI).

AGI Defined: Researchers propose a taxonomy for artificial general intelligence (AGI).

How will we know if someone succeeds in building artificial general intelligence (AGI)? A recent paper defines milestones on the road from calculator to superintelligence.
Sharper Vision for Cancer: An AI-powered microscope that helps pathologists detect cancer

Sharper Vision for Cancer: An AI-powered microscope that helps pathologists detect cancer

A microscope enhanced with augmented reality is helping pathologists recognize cancerous tissue. The United States Department of Defense is using microscopes that use machine learning models based on research from Google to detect cancers.
Google’s Multimodal Challenger: All you need to know about Gemini, Google's new multimodal model

Google’s Multimodal Challenger: All you need to know about Gemini, Google's new multimodal model

Google unveiled Gemini, its bid to catch up to, and perhaps surpass, OpenAI’s GPT-4. Google demonstrated the Gemini family of models that accept any combination of text (including code), images, video, and audio and output text and images. The demonstrations and metrics were impressive...
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